Prosthesis For The Nose Tip: The Surgical Way

Are you among the people obsessed with the imperfection of their noses? Do you feel that having a nose sculpted more fashionably would let go of many of your problems? Then nose augmentation or surgery can be a helpful resort for you. Today, magaderm implant (เสริม จมูก รอง ปลาย เนื้อเยื่อ เทียม, which is the term in Thai), is being extensively used for surgically enhancing a person’s nose. Doctors use silicone and artificial tissues after getting them certified by the FDA. It is to ensure meeting safety guidelienes.

The prosthetic tissue can be used on the tip or bridge of the nose. With a magaderm implant, a synthetic material made of collagen, you can have a nose of your favorite shape and desired thickness by spending on nose prosthesis.

The Other Alternative

A famous alternative to the prosthesis or artificial tissue is rhinoplasty. This procedure makes use of the cartilage behind the ear. However, the problem with this method is that it can be a precursor to infections. If not cut properly, it may lead to skin allergies since it is not some external material that needs to be synthesized.

Careful Measures Post-Surgery

  • Change the dressing (if present) beneath the nose until the discharge stops.
  • For two weeks, refrain from blowing your nose and sneeze with an open mouth if necessary.
  • Get your nasal packs (if they are present) before you leave the surgical center.
  • After having a magaderm implant, you must avoid meals requiring prolonged chewing and extensive face motions.
  • Brush your teeth carefully with a gentle toothbrush. Avoid using your upper lip to restrict your nose from moving. For approximately a week, you may have numbness in your top lip and upper teeth.
  • Keep the inside of your nose wet with nasal saline spray. It will provide you with comfort and a soothing effect.

One must follow the pre and post-operative instructions religiously. One can modify their features with painless techniques; however, that is no reason for you not to think through your decision. Remember! Having surgery will impede you from a lot of your routine practices before the operation. You may not be able to use all the skincare products as before. There can also be a likelihood of additional visits to dermatologists to provide all the necessary care to the newly sculpted nose. All these possibilities need prior evaluations.


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