How Can You Choose The Best Silicon Rubber For Your Art Purpose

If you are involved with a project that calls for choosing the best Silicon rubber, then you must know the technique of choosing the finest one. Though they are almost the same, there is a difference in the quality of the rubber that you are using. According to the job purpose, one can choose Silicon rubber according to their desired level of hardness. However, according to the type of work here is the categorization of the Silicon rubber that one must know.

·      French Silicon S835

You can use it for mediocre to very detailed work. It has good quality and durability. It is extremely resistant and difficult to tear.

·      Best Grade French Silicon S885

It has good tear strength and keeps good details. This rubber silicon is suitable for jewelry molding, sculpture work, and many more.

·      France Silicon Rubber S825

With high tear resistance, it is easy to peel. Such silicon is highly flexible and can store a lot of details. Especially for artificial stone work or general purposes, you can use this kind of silicon.

·      S818 Silicon Rubber

It has a high tear strength and is suitable for large to medium workpieces. Especially for concrete casting or casting resin, you can use this kind of silicon.

·      Soft Silicon Rubber S812

The soft Silicon rubber is moderately resistant to tearing. They are suitable for small workpieces as they cannot afford to support much weight.

·      Super Hard Silicon Rubber S870

These Silicone rubbers are suitable for large pieces. They can bear weight while they are more brittle and break easily. You can use it to cast large workpieces. It is not suitable for detailed work. Especially work that requires a lot of stretching will not be able to use this Silicon rubber.

·      S815m Silicon Rubber

This kind of silicone rubber is suitable for work that requires high hardness. You can use it to cast epoxy and cement. With little undercut, these Silicone rubbers can create moderate detail casting and even a moderate number of repetitions. At the same time, these rubbers are less flexible due to their high tear strength and stiffness.

Concluding Words

Whenever you are ordering Silicon rubber, you must have detailed instructions on how you can use it. At the same time, if you use Silicon according to its attributes, you can maximize your benefits while reducing any kind of unnecessary waste. Initially, it becomes difficult for a customer to learn how they can use the Silicon rubber but as soon as they know about the procedure and detailed instructions regarding their work, it becomes easier for them.

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